Website Manager


Est. 1967 Wallis, TX

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the season start?
Registration will open for spring season on the 1st of November @ 12:00 am and will close early January @ 11:59pm. Tryouts (coach pitch and up) will be held mid to late January. See current year schedule of events for exact details.  After tryouts, team drafts will be held by the volunteer coaches.  You can expect to be notified of your team by your coach shortly after all drafts have been conducted.  Your coach will notify you of all practice and game schedules. Schedules vary depending on team. You should expect approximately 1-2 games per week.  The Spring season games will begin the week following Spring Break and will end before Memorial Day.

Are all parents expected to Volunteer?
YES! We are a 100% volunteer organization.  By signing up for this league, you will be asked to volunteer your time in certain capacities. This league will not exist without everyone doing there part and volunteering. We will need coaches, assistant coached, team parents, scorekeepers, concession stand help, field prep, trash clean up, etc.

What divisions do you offer?
   Tee-Ball (Coed): 4-6 yr old (must be 4 yrs old by Jan 1st of the current year)
   Baseball (Boys): 7-8 yr old Coach Pitch (Minors),  9-10 yr old Kid Pitch (Minors), 11-12 yr old (Majors), 13-14 yr old (Juniors)
   Softball (Girls): 7-8 yr old Coach Pitch (Minors),  9-10 yr old Kid Pitch (Minors), 11-12 yr old (Majors), 13-14 yr old (Juniors)

Are uniforms provided?
A jersey and hats will be provided by the league. The players are responsible for their pants, belt, socks and cleats.

How much does it cost to register and what does my registration fee cover?
Registration cost varies by division. The registration fee covers the cost of year round field maintenance and infrastructure, umpire fees, catchers equipment, Little League charter, utilities, player uniforms and other expense. On average expect the fee to be around $200 per season.

What equipment do I need?
Parents are responsible for the purchase of their childs own equipment. They will need a bat, glove, batting helmet, batting gloves (optional), cleats with plastic spikes.

What kind of bat should I buy for my child?
Bat rules can be found HERE. Be sure to review to ensure your bat meets Little League requirements. All bats must meet the USA Baseball Bat Standards.

Why are there player evaluations/tryouts?
Player evaluations are for coach pitch and above. Evaluations allow managers to evaluate each kid for the purpose of drafting their teams. Players will get the chance to hit, run, and field. If your child is unable to attend one of the scheduled evaluations please contact one of the Player Agents prior to the event date to schedule an alternative day/time. Managers will rank every player on the skills listed and each player will end up with an average ranking. Managers will utilize these rankings as well as their own notes to draft players to their team.

What if I sign up and then change my mind?
Please see our Refund Policy, should you choose not to play in the league after signing up. 

How do I know if I live or attend school within the Brazos Little League boundaries?
Enter your address HERE. If your home address does not fall within the Brazos Little League District (18), but your child attends a school within the District they WOULD be eligible to play at Brazos Little League.

Can I register for someone (friend, nephew, etc) who is not my legal dependent?
No, only legal guardians who live with the player may register.

Who are the coaches?
All coaches are unpaid volunteers. In Tee Ball through Majors divisions, its usually a parents of a child on the team.

How many players per team?
There are usually 10-12 players per team. 

Does every child who registers get to play?
Yes, every child who successfully registers (is not waitlisted) will be drafted onto a team.  The only time a team may not be formed is when there are not enough players in the division to create a team. If a division does not have enough teams to play with in BLL, that division will be forced to play interleague games with outside Little League teams. Tee Ball players will be randomly assigned to a team.

Does BLL take friend or coach requests?
Due to the set-up of our league we are unable to take any friend or coach requests. All coaches have the opportunity to draft players so if you would like them to play for a specific coach please ask that coach to draft your child. Please note, there are no guarantees that a coach will be able to draft your child.

Are games made up when cancelled due to weather?
Every effort will be made to make up cancelled games. It might require a game to be rescheduled on a weekend due to field availability. 

How do I sign up to be a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Team Parent?
During the registration process, you can select the option to volunteer in one of these positions.

What are the responsibilities of a Head Coach?
The Manager is the leader of the team. They can delegate as they see fit but are ultimately responsible for leading the team. They can work with the parents of their team to seek volunteers to help (coaches, team mom, etc). Managers should be knowledgeable of how to coach baseball/softball.

 What are the responsibilities of a Assistant Coach?
The Assistant Coach is responsible for helping the Head Coach run the team. They can help with a variety of roles, but an assistant coach typically helps with teaching the kids the game of baseball and helping during practices and games.

 What are the responsibilities of a Team Parent?
The Team Parent (sometimes referred to as Team Mom but we welcome dads as well) is responsible for helping the Manager handle administrative tasks. They will attend the team parent meeting, pass out information to the team, help coordinate communication with the team, help coordinate game day volunteers, etc.

When will I hear from my Head Coach?
Once teams are drafted it takes the league a couple of days to input rosters into the system and provide managers with contact information. We ask that you give them a few days to contact you.

How do I update my email address or contact information?
You need to login to your SportsConnect account to update your email address. BLL administrators cannot update personal information. Use the following link for instructions how to make this update.

How do I get the emails that my spouse is getting that I am not?
You need to login into your SportsConnect account and link your email and your spouse's email to your child.  BLL administrators cannot update personal information. Use the following link for instructions how to make this update.

Contact Us

Brazos Little League

PO Box 612 
Wallis, Texas 77485

Email Us: [email protected]
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